Does Poop Loop sell Wholesale?
Yes! Poop Loop does sell wholesale. Please contact us with any wholesale inquiries and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
When does my order ship?
We will ship your Poop Loop within 3 days. We take immense pride in being able to send your order out as soon as possible.
Is Poop Loop on social media?
Yes! Poop Loop has an Instagram and a Facebook. Give us a shoutout or send us a picture of you enjoying your hands-free life to be featured on our social media. Instagram: @the.poop.loop Facebook: @pooploopbiz
What colors do Poop Loops come in?
Currently, the Poop Loop comes in 5 colors (red, green, blue, yellow and camo) with each color representing a wonderful pet charity. In the future, Poop Loops will come out with more colors, and, of course, each color will represent a charity.
What do I do if my Poop Loop breaks?
If your Poop Loop breaks, please email us immediately at pooploopbiz@gmail.com with information on how it broke and send a picture of the broken product. We will then reach out to you with more information.